Small actions can make a big difference
Try these four steps.
Start with yourself.
To open the space within groups, ask yourself:
How often do you challenge the views of people in your own social circle?
Read Essays 5, 6, 11, and 18 to discover how to do more—and why it is so important.
To close the distance across groups, ask yourself:
How often do you seek out people in other groups to better understand their views?
Read Essays 1, 8, 11, and 22 to discover how to do more—and why it is so important.
Use the essay to brainstorm ways to make it easier.
Learn with and from others.
“ ...we choose to work together on common problems toward a common goal. In making that choice, these citizens are buying us the time we need to reimagine ourselves as a multi-group democracy that encompasses us all.”
—Action lesson from Essay 10: “Taking A Stand”
To open the space within groups: read the essay, then discuss with those who often think like you.
What makes it difficult to surface and explore your differences?
How can you help each other to make it easier?
To close the distance across groups: read the essay, then discuss with those who see things differently.
What makes it difficult to uncover and appreciate your commonalities?
How can you help each other to make it easier?
Use the essay to brainstorm ways to make it easier.
Pave the way for hope.
Chinese philosopher Lin Yutang once said,
“Hope is like a road in the country. . .when many
people walk on it, the road comes into existence.”
—Action lesson from Essay 18: “Mending Our Frayed Social Fabric”
Tens of thousands of people are walking a new road into existence in communities across our nation.
Join them.
For information on over 500 groups bringing hope into existence, go to
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The essays in Remaking the Space Between Us will inspire and empower you to work across divides for a better future for all, not just some. That may strike you as a stretch, but the stories you read in this book prove that it is possible; indeed it is already happening as the tens of thousands of citizens showcased in this book demonstrate. A powerful new movement is afoot. Join us!
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